The smarter new year’s resolution you’re more likely to keep

The smarter new year’s resolution you’re more likely to keep

January 21, 2020

New Year's resolutions - Lots of people vow to quit smoking in the New Year - could we do something on this topic to encourage people that there's another way? Advantages of rolling your own for health, drawbacks of vaping etc. 'Why quitting smoking might not be the best resolution this year.' or 'Will you keep your resolution this new year?'

A tough resolution to keep

New Year’s resolutions are hard to stick to in general. Studies show that 80% fail by February – and quitting smoking is one of the most popular promises people make to themselves as one year ends and another begins. When it comes to stopping smoking, the statistics are even more discouraging. In a UK study 3 in 5 participants has started smoking again by the following month, and less than 13% were still smoke free a year later. Often the common approaches smokers take to achieving improved health are misguided. What if you could make a positive change that didn’t necessarily involve quitting outright? What if the answer to eventually quitting is taking small steps towards a smoke free lifestyle?

Nicotine replacement isn’t always the answer

One of the most common ways people try to stop smoking commercial cigarettes is through replacing them with nicotine gum and patches. This satisfies the nicotine craving, but doesn’t address all the other aspects of smoking that people come to habitually enjoy. Often people find that there are triggers to their smoking, or that they look forward to smoking as part of their daily routine. At work, it provides an opportunity for socialisation and connection with others.

The dangers of vaping

One swap that has seen massive popularity in recent years involves vaping or electronic cigarettes. These work by generating vapour created with fluid which contains nicotine and other compounds. Initially it was touted as a ‘cleaner’, ‘healthier’ alternative to smoking – whilst covering off the physical aspect of smoking.

But now various reports are finding that vaping is just as dangerous if not actually more harmful than smoking, with doctors warning against prolonged vaping due to an increased number of cases involving serious illness and death. 

Vaping fluid contains a wide array of toxic chemicals – some of which have not been studied for long enough to know their full side effects. Although it initially appeared to be a magic solution for smokers it now seems that it offered false hope – but taking vaping off the table, what’s the alternative?

Cutting down vs cutting out

A more sensible and successful approach for people who currently smoke, but want to feel healthier in the new year, is to cut down rather than cutting out. The best way to do this is to

start rolling your own cigarettes…enabling you to better control what you smoke and how much. The AXIS rolling machine allows you to do this quickly and easily – saving time and money. And the AXIS Carrying Case allows you to put out your lit cigarette after a few puffs and save it for later. A great way to cut down! 

Beat the January blues with our fantastic New Year sale – 20% off our entire product range this month only. Use code AXIS20 to shop now!


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